The clip, shared by Nurkasmedah Abdullah, shows the heartwarming moment when 68-year-old K. Santharan, a security guard Kindergarten, Cheras, gently guides her 4-year-old daughter, Eshal Nashwa, to the school gate on her first day. The video, recorded on 2 January, beautifully captures Santharan’s care and patience as he ensures Eshal safely reunites with her mother.
@eshal_nashwa16 wish you were here? #Atuk ♬ original sound - Duta Arranger Korea
Nurkasmedah shared that she had intended to record her daughter's first day at school as a keepsake but didn’t expect to capture such a precious moment. "I was moved because it looked like a grandfather leading his granddaughter by the hand," she said.
Santharan, who has served as a security guard at the school for over five years, shared his philosophy of care and compassion for all students. “I consider them all like my own grandchildren, regardless of their race,” he said in an interview with Harian Metro. “I lead the students by the hand to their parents' cars and help them cross the road. I don’t choose or help only certain students because I also have a seven-year-old grandson. When I look at other students, I think of my own grandson.”
Parents at the school frequently express gratitude for his kind actions, sometimes gifting him food and drinks as tokens of appreciation.
Santharan’s selflessness and dedication remind us of the importance of kindness in daily life. “As long as I am strong and capable, I will continue to work here,” he affirmed.
Source / TikTok: eshal_nashwa16, SAYS