A legal case has been registered against the recently released movie 'Indian 2.' The petition was filed by ‘Aasan’ Rajendran, the chief instructor of Varma Kalai based in Madurai. Rajendran stated that Kamal Haasan had consulted him for Varma Kalai techniques during the production of 'Indian' (1996), and his contributions were duly recognised at that time.
Rajendran argues that "Indian 2" employs these techniques without his permission, prompting him to seek a ban on the film's release on OTT platforms. However, the Madurai High Court Bench, which heard the case, dismissed the complaint and refused to issue a ban on "Indian 2." Despite this, Rajendran has decided to continue his battle with the film's team, alleging the unauthorized use of Varma Kalai trademarks.
Rajendran's legal team claims that the 'Indian 2' team has refused to accept their allegations, asserting instead that they used mudras suggested by Prakasam Gurukkal. The legal team has requested proof of this claim, and the next hearing is scheduled for July 30.
In response, the legal team of 'Indian 2' stated that no individual has the exclusive right to claim Varma Kalai, which was created by Agastya. They have refused to acknowledge Rajendran's claims.
With that being said, Shankar's clarification about 'Indian 2'
Director Shankar clarified in an interview that for 'Indian 2,' the filmmakers sought expert advice on Varma Kalai techniques from Prakasam Gurukkal. He mentioned that they specifically brought Gurukkal from Kerala to provide expert guidance, shaping the film with a unique Varmam style.
Source : Times of India, PinkVilla