Astro customers can catch the unique local Tamil fantasy drama and Vinmeen exclusive series, Iravu Vannangal directed by an award-winning local director, Ravindas Aridas premiering on 25 March, 9 PM on Astro Vinmeen (Ch 202) via TV, Astro GO, On Demand and sooka.
This series revolves around the seven-generation curse carried by a family that passed down to 29-year-old, Karna through a tattoo. He then tries to lift his beloved family from the curse that has ruined his family members' marital life including his parents. Karna encounters a mysterious cat that offers him a solution in which he is required to reunite five couples who parted ways due to his disbelief in love and these couples should be fated together. Will Karna reunite these couples? Find out more on Iravu Vannangal a gripping fantasy drama series that features a competent cast line-up including an award-winning actor and director Yuvaraj Krishnasamy, Bigg Boss Tamil Season 6 fame Nivaa Shiyni, Darma Tewar, Navin Ho, Bala Ganapathy William, Subashini and more.
Catch new episodes of Iravu Vannangal premiering every Monday until Thursday, 9pm on Astro Vinmeen (Ch 202) via TV, Astro GO, On Demand and sooka. For more information, visit
Thu Mar 21 2024