Acclaimed filmmaker Gautham Vasudev Menon recently shared his disappointment with actor Suriya for turning down the opportunity to collaborate on the much-anticipated Tamil spy-action film Dhruva Natchathiram. Speaking in an interview with Behindwoods, Menon expressed his frustration, especially given the success of their previous collaborations, Kaakha Kaakha and Vaaranam Aayiram.

“I understand that actors need time to make decisions, but Suriya should not have hesitated with Dhruva Natchathiram. He should have trusted me, just as he did with our earlier projects,” Menon said. The director recalled how Suriya had stepped in courageously for Kaakha Kaakha when other actors had declined, displaying faith and vision. However, he lamented that the same trust was missing this time.

According to Menon, Suriya had repeatedly sought references for the film, but as an original concept, the director had none to offer. He felt this lack of clarity led to Suriya’s reluctance, which ultimately disappointed him. “I wasn’t asking for a favour. I just wanted his trust. He had nothing to lose, and I was even producing the film. His involvement would have given the movie a unique edge,” Menon stated.

Menon acknowledged the challenges Dhruva Natchathiram has faced, including financial and legal hurdles that delayed its release. Despite these issues, he admitted that Suriya’s rejection was the most hurtful among other actors who declined.

Currently, Dhruva Natchathiram features Chiyaan Vikram in the lead role. While Menon is excited about the film’s progress, he reflected that Suriya’s participation would have elevated the project with a distinctive style of action and storytelling.

Source / Image Credit : PinkVilla, India Today