Former Tamil actress Kanaka was celebrated for her remarkable performances in numerous films, including Karagattakaran, Seetha, Durga, and Godfather. Despite her status as one of the top actresses in the 1990s, Kanaka suddenly withdrew from the limelight, leaving fans and colleagues puzzled about her sudden withdrawals.

In a 2010 press conference, Kanaka revealed the reason behind her withdrawal, which came as a surprise to many. She explained that after her mother's death, she felt profoundly alone and longed to feel her mother's presence in her life. This led her to connect with a woman named Amutha, who claimed she could help Kanaka reconnect with her mother's spirit or presence.

Kanaka's disclosure shed light on her personal struggles and the emotional journey she embarked on following her mother's passing.

Source / Image Credit : Onmanorama, Times of India,