In a remarkable act of compassion and dedication, SMRT bus captain Surish Kumar demonstrated unwavering commitment to ensuring the return of a lost wallet to its rightful owner. When he discovered a wallet containing an NRIC card at a bus stop in Woodlands, he went above and beyond the call of duty to reunite it with its owner.

During his off-duty hours, Mr. Surish Kumar, an experienced Malaysian bus captain with 11 years of service in Singapore, took the initiative to locate the wallet's owner. He visited the address listed on the NRIC and left a heart-warming note to establish contact.

“Pls call or WhatsApp XXX,” he wrote.

“Found your wallet at bus stop Blk 402”.

The owner, a 20-year-old woman named Iffah, had lost her wallet while commuting on Sep. 11, containing valuable items such as her NRIC, credit cards, keys, and cash. Recognising the wallet's importance, Mr. Kumar ensured Iffah's wallet was safely returned, even though he resided in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, and had a busy work schedule.

The good samaritan also choosed not to accept any reward, emphasising that he helped out of genuine kindness and empathy for someone who had faced a similar situation. Iffah expressed her gratitude for Mr. Kumar's extraordinary efforts and the meaningful gesture that transcended borders and work schedules. The wallet was returned to its owner with all its contents untouched, exemplifying the selflessness of this thoughtful gesture.

Source / Image Credit: Mothership.Sg