In a heartbreaking incident, the Kuala Terengganu City Council reportedly shot dead Kopi, a beloved stray dog who captured the hearts of many on social media for her playful interactions with a fellow stray kitten. The incident occurred during a stray culling operation on October 6.

Animal welfare group, My Forever Doggo (MFD), shared the account of a local resident who witnessed the tragic event. The resident reported hearing gunshots and rushing outside to find Kopi lying in pain, covered in blood. Despite efforts to help, Kopi sadly passed away.

The news was shared on social media. Check out the post below:

A post shared by Influencer, But For Doggos (@myforeverdoggo)

“This devastating tragedy, particularly because it’s not the first of its kind, underscores the importance of continuing to advocate for the humane treatment of homeless animals,” MFD said in a statement.

Kopi was known as the "big sister" to stray cats and dogs in her area, often offering them companionship and protection. Her viral moment in March, captured by TikTok user AbbyRaz, showed her playing affectionately with a stray kitten, a video that has since garnered over 185,000 views.

Watch the video below:

A post shared by Influencer, But For Doggos (@myforeverdoggo)

Rest in peace, Kopi. You are now in a better place, free from pain and suffering.

Source / Image Credit : sayalahtuu_/TikTok & Witness (Anonymous), Sinar Harian, myforeverdoggo