Astro customers can look forward to a vibrant local Tamil romantic comedy series, Wedding Galatta directed by debutant local filmmaker, Saran Z premiering on 20 May, 9pm on Astro Vinmeen (Ch 202) via TV, Astro GO, On Demand and sooka.

This Vinmeen exclusive series intertwines the lives of three couples preparing to exchange their vows on the same auspicious date and venue. Ashwin and Heera who are navigating and finding balance in their transition from college to the professional world, decide to embark on their wedding plans amidst financial constraints due to the pressure from Heera’s family. Meanwhile, Jeeva and Priya agree to an arranged marriage despite their inability to ignite a romantic spark between them regardless of multiple attempts. On the other hand, Prakash, a divorcee decides to marry Meghna after learning his ex-wife had moved on. The plot of this intriguing romantic comedy series revolves around whether these couples will get married and find their true love or if destiny has different plans for them. Find out more on Wedding Galatta, a compelling series featuring renowned local talents including James Devan, Thasha, Alvin Martin, Vicky Rao, Pavetraa Reddy, Lishalinny, Kajendran, Devakanni and more.

Catch new episodes of Wedding Galatta premiering every Monday until Thursday, 9pm on Astro Vinmeen (Ch 202) via TV, Astro GO, On Demand and sooka. For more information, visit