Tamil cinema is set to bring the inspiring story of late Major Mukund Varadarajan to life through the upcoming film Amaran, starring Sivakarthikeyan. Directed by Rajkumar Periasamy, the film depicts the life and bravery of Major Mukund, an Ashoka Chakra awardee, with Sai Pallavi portraying his wife, Indhu Rebecca Varghese.
Rajkumar shared insights into the making of Amaran, adapted from India’s Most Fearless, True Stories of Modern Military Heroes, written by Shiv Aroor and Rahul Singh. A unique detail that emerged in the film’s promotion was Major Mukund’s affectionate nickname, “Maddy,” given by his Commanding Officer, Colonel Amit Singh Dabbas. This call sign, inspired by his resemblance to Alaipayuthey actor R. Madhavan, became a lasting symbol of his presence in the army.
Casting Sivakarthikeyan as Major Mukund came from Indhu’s wish to see someone with deep Tamil roots in the role. Besides Sivakarthikeyan and Sai Pallavi, Amaran features performances by Rahul Bose, Bhuvan Arora, and Geetha Kailasam. Backed by Sony Pictures and Kamal Haasan’s Raaj Kamal Films International, Amaran boasts music by G.V. Prakash Kumar and cinematography by debutant CH Sai. The film is scheduled for release on October 31.
Source / Image Credit : Indian Express
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