'Drishyam', a groundbreaking Malayalam film that redefined success in regional cinema, is poised to achieve another milestone by becoming the first from the Malayalam industry to be remade in Hollywood. Directed by Jeethu Joseph and featuring superstar Mohanlal, the international remake rights have been acquired by Panorama Studios, signifying the film's journey from a regional blockbuster to a potential global phenomenon with universal storytelling appeal.
Despite originating in Kerala, "Drishyam" has transcended linguistic and cultural barriers, garnering remakes in Hindi, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Sinhala, and Chinese. Now, the Hollywood adaptation, undertaken by Panorama Studios in collaboration with Gulfstream Pictures and JOAT Films, is eagerly anticipated. This development is being closely observed by trade analysts and cinema enthusiasts, as it may open doors for more Indian films to be considered for international remakes.
While details about the Hollywood remake remain uncertain, director Jeethu Joseph acknowledges the global interest in "Drishyam's" storyline, emphasizing its universal appeal. The anticipation surrounding the Hollywood adaptation underscores the film's potential to set a precedent for future Indian films in Hollywood, a prospect that excites both filmmakers and fans.
In a joint statement, Gulfstream’s Karz and Bindley expressed their enthusiasm, stating, “The film is a timeless thriller that has entranced audiences across the globe. We can’t wait to bring the movie to fans here in the U.S.” JOAT Films, known for cross-territorial local language remakes, is led by former Warner Bros. production executive Jack Nguyen. Nguyen highlighted the unique and enduring nature of "Drishyam's" story, emphasizing its ability to captivate audiences with its compelling cat-and-mouse tale.
Source / Image Credit : Movie Crow, BNN Breaking
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