The fifth season of the popular cooking show Cooku with Comali has faced a setback as TV anchor Manimegalai announced her sudden exit from the show. In a recent Instagram post, Manimegalai shared the news, leaving many fans shocked and concerned over her sudden exit.

Rumours of a possible conflict between Manimegalai and one of the female anchors have been circulating, adding to the speculation about her decision to leave. Her exit has left fans wondering if the show's entertaining dynamic will be affected in her absence.

Check out her instagram post below:

A post shared by Mani Megalai (@iammanimegalai)

Manimegalai, who gained fame through hosting shows on Sun Music, became widely recognized for her comedic presence on Cooku with Comali. The show’s success can be attributed to its ability to appeal to a broad audience, combining the excitement of cooking with lighthearted humour.

Full video of her shocking revelation can be found HERE!

Will the show continue to captivate viewers without Manimegalai’s involvement, or will her absence affect its charm? Fans are left waiting to see how the beloved stress-buster will fare in the coming episodes.