In the latest episode, the competition intensified as contestants, including Vijay, Mani, Vishnu, and Dhinesh, moved to the exclusive Small Bigg Boss house for unique challenges. Meanwhile, in a 'BB quiz' section, Poornima secured victory, earning special gifts from Bigg Boss.
However, the episode's focal point was the escalating dispute between Maya and Poornima. Attempting to persuade Poornima to support Vishnu, Maya's efforts led to a heated argument, ultimately bringing Poornima to tears.
As the nomination process unfolded, tensions heightened among Archana, Vichitra, Maya, Poornima, Dinesh, Mani, and Vijay Varuma, all potential evictees this week. With eviction around the corner, viewers are on the edge of their seats, anticipating the unfolding drama and unexpected twists in the Bigg Boss Tamil 7 journey. Stay tuned for the latest updates within the Bigg Boss house.
Source / Image Credit : Times of India / Twitter / Vijay TV, Disney HotStar
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