Hindu's pray and celebrate Lord Vinayaga, a mighty elephant-headed, pot-bellied, broken-tusked God who travels on a mouse.
Amazingly, every little peculiarity of Vinayagar has a deep spiritual significance. These are the things you can learn from Vinayagar based on his symbolism.
Large ears: To listen more
Axe: Control and taming of the mind
Small mouth: Talk less
Blessings: Blessed and protects on spiritual path to supreme
Large stomach: Peacefully digest all the good and bad in life
Prasad: The whole world is at your feet
Big head: Gain wisdom through listening
Small eyes: Focus and concentration
Lotus: Free of blemishes irrespective of where you stand
One tusk: Retain good, throw away bad
Trunk: Develop intellect to handle big and small tasks
Modaka: Sweetness one attains at the end of his/her journey in search of knowledge and spirituality
Image credit: Chefatlarge.in, Britannica