Prominent young actress Meenakshi Chaudhary, who has made a name for herself in the South Indian film industry, recently revealed in an interview that acting in GOAT with Thalapathy Vijay was the "biggest mistake" of her career. The Haryana-born actress shared that the experience left her under significant stress and has sparked widespread discussion on social media.

In a recent interview session, Meenakshi expressed disappointment over her role in GOAT, directed by Venkat Prabhu, stating that her part in the film was minimal, with only a few scenes and one song. She further added that this led to trolls mocking her character's lack of significance in the film, causing her considerable mental distress. Reflecting on the experience, she admitted, “I need to make wiser choices and avoid roles that lack importance in a film.”

Despite the setback, Meenakshi has had an impressive career trajectory. Starting her journey as a model, she became the first runner-up in the Femina Miss India 2018 competition and later represented India as the first runner-up in the Miss Grand International 2018 pageant.

Not just a talented actress, Meenakshi is also a qualified dental surgeon. She made her acting debut in the 2019 Hindi film Upstar, but it was the South Indian film industry that gave her wider recognition. Films like Khiladi and HIT: The Second Case in Telugu were well-received, paving the way for her to star in notable projects like Kolai (2023) with Vijay Antony and Singapore Saloon alongside RJ Balaji.

While GOAT was a challenging experience for Meenakshi, she is also receiving praise for her role in the Telugu film Lucky Bhaskar. There's no denying that she has excel her role and delivered one of her best perfomance.

Source / Image Credit : Reddit,