R Praviin may be only 20, but his kindness far precedes his age.

The youth from Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, has established "food banks" for the needy, out of his own pocket money.

Bernama spoke to Praviin who recalled starting a similar initiative when he was still in Form Three at a school in PD.

Moved by the plight of schoolmates from poor families, Praviin liaised with a teacher to start contributing essential items like rice, sugar, flour, milk and cooking oil, straight to the houses of those affected.

"My father used to give RM20 a week for expenses when I was in school, and out of the amount, I saved RM13 to donate to the needy, and managed to accummulate between RM100 and RM200 a month. I only managed to help 10 poor families then.

"I also did side jobs like washing cars to supplement my income. I couldn't help in a big scale, but I was adamant in doing what I could to alleviate the suffering of poor families in PD," he told the national news agency.

Praviin now works at his father's aircond repair shop and out of the RM1,000 he gets paid monthly, he saves RM400 to run "food bank" at two locations in Port Dickson, namely Teluk Kemang, and Taman Mewah in Jalan Pantai.

The youth, who is the fifth of seven siblings, aspires to be a politician one day.

"So far, my initiative have garnered positive feedback from the locals. I also welcome those who would like to extend a helping hand to the initiative. Those interested can contact me at 017-3234033," he told Bernama.

Such a noble effort indeed. When most youths his age are blowing away their parents' money on the latest gadgets or the latest fashion items, Praviin has his priorities right.

Here's wishing all the best for his kind initiative to spread its wing further!

Source: Bernama
Photo source: Bernama