The young filmmaker, Shaswin Raj who has directed and produced the film has also gained experiences in Astro, RTM, and previous Malaysian Tamil movies like "Mr.Peyii" and "Undercover Rascals".
The film's story revolves around a team of race car drifters, offering a unique perspective on the racing genre. This homegrown creation showcases the talents of local filmmakers, akin to the international "Fast & Furious" franchise.
Having said that, the cast of "Kalluri Rascals" includes Ganessan Manohgaran, Kishok Riknaveen, Arun Kumaran, Aghonderan Sahadevan, Sasikumar Kandasamy, James Devan Arokisamy, Thasha Krishnakumar, Karthikjay, Hariharan Shanmuganathan, Hashmitha Selvam, Tamil Anadan, M.S.Vemal, Nirmala Tharmarajan, Kevin Kunanthran, and special guest artists Sarathi Krishnan and Vino Shan.
Let's support our local film's unique masterpiece by watching it at the nearest theatres. Check out the cinema listing below:
Image Credit: Shaswin Raj's Instagram Acc