Remembering the iconic love story of late actor Murali. However, there's a beaitiful coincidence which we could relate his love story with Vijay and Jyothika. Love stories and coincidences go hand in hand!

A Beautiful Coincidence

It is a remarkable coincidence that Murali's birthday falls on the anniversary of Kushi. In real life, Murali and his wife Shobha shared a love story reminiscent of the film. The couple met while Murali was assisting his dear friend Kandha with his romantic pursuits. During these meetings, Murali and Shobha spent time together, which led to conversations that blossomed into romance. A similar scene is depicted in Kushi.

Quick to Propose

Contrary to his usually shy on-screen persona, Murali didn't take long in real life to express his feelings. He proposed to Shobha within four weeks of their first meeting.

Overcoming Insecurities

Murali struggled with an inferiority complex due to his dark complexion. Therefore, when Shobha accepted his proposal, he was overjoyed, considering marrying a fair-skinned girl an impossible dream at that time.

Parental Opposition

Murali's father, a prominent producer and director, opposed the marriage, fearing it might hinder Murali's career prospects in the film industry.

Maternal Support

Despite his father's opposition, Murali's mother firmly supported the marriage and organized the wedding independently. Murali's father only learned about the marriage at 8 PM on the day of the ceremony, after it was already completed.

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Source / Image Credit : Cine Ulagam / Coimbatorean