After weeks of thrilling culinary challenges, the popular Tamil cooking reality show Top Cooku Dupe Cooku has crowned its champions. The highly anticipated grand finale aired today, delivering an exciting conclusion as Narendra Prasath and Sujatha Sivakumar claimed the coveted title and a grand cash prize of Rs 20 lakh.

The finale featured fierce competition between the top six finalists: Narendra Prasath, Swaminathan Vijayan, Chaitra Reddy, Sujatha Sivakumar, Subash, and Maneesha. Each contestant showcased their culinary prowess by presenting a series of unique international dishes, impressing both the judges and the audience.

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Renowned chef and lead judge, Chef Venkatesh Bhat, announced Narendra Prasath and Sujatha Sivakumar as the winners. Overwhelmed with emotion, the duo expressed their gratitude to the show's mentors, chefs, and viewers for their unwavering support throughout the competition. They celebrated their well-deserved victory, acknowledging the hard work and perseverance required to triumph in such a challenging competition.

With this win, both Narendra and Sujatha have further solidified their presence in the entertainment world, capturing the hearts of food enthusiasts and television audiences alike.

While this season of Top Cooku Dupe Cooku has come to a close, the journey of these talented contestants is just beginning.

Source / Image Credit : SUN TV