Vijay TV has officially unveiled the exciting line-up of contestants for the upcoming season of 'Cooku with Comali'. This season promises to bring a fresh twist with the introduction of new Comalis, adding to the already anticipated fun and entertainment associated with the show.
The first set of contestants announced include Youtuber Irfan, Pandian Stores actor Vasanth Vasi, Star Vijay's popular VJ Priyanka Deshpande, VTV Ganesh, and Pandian Stores actress Sujitha.
In a second promo, Vijay TV introduced actress Shalin Zoya, serial actor Akshay Kamal, actress Dhivya Duraisamy, veteran music composer Srikanth Deva, and playback singer Pooja Venkat as the remaining participants. These promos have been making waves across the internet, sparking excitement among fans eagerly awaiting the first episode of 'Cooku with Comali Season 5'.
The show will be hosted by VJ Rakshan and Manimegalai, with judges Chef Damu and Madhampatty Rangaraj adding their expertise and insights to the culinary and comedic proceedings. Stay tuned for a season filled with laughter, entertainment, and delicious cooking!
Image Credit / Source : Vijay TV, Filmibeat
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