As we dwell in a fast-paced, high-stress culture, many wellness practitioners advocate yoga and breathing exercises to help individuals manage stress and improve their mental health. But, have you heard about 'mudras,' which are said to be a form of Vedic healing?

'Mudra' is derived from the Sanskrit term for 'hand gesture' and is often seen in Buddhist and Hindu rituals and dance styles. Mudra is believed to enhance the circulation of 'Prana', or life energy, throughout the body and mind, resulting in better health.

'Gnana mudra', or the mudra of knowledge, is one of the most basic and commonly used mudras among yogis. This mudra may be performed at any time of day or night and is frequently combined with 'pranayama' (breathing exercise) and meditation.

How to Perform the Gnana Mudra?

Simply place your hands on your lap, looking upwards, and join the tips of your thumb and index fingers while extending the remaining fingers. Make sure to hold the posture in both your hands.

According to Ayurgamaya, practicing 'Gnana mudra' promotes concentration and learning, aids in managing insomnia and depression, and improves brain health and focus.

A well-known Indian mudra expert outlines the benefits of 'Gnana Mudra' in a Puthu Yugam TV show. Check it out here:

Source: Ayurmagaya & Puthu Yugam
Photo Credit: Legacy of Wisdom & Fitsri