Directed by the award-winning Shalini Balasundaram and produced by the dynamic duo Denes Kumar and Vimala Perumal, this season promises even more excitement and drama as the series extends to a milestone of 100 episodes.
Here are the top 5 reasons why Pasanga 2 should be at the top of you binge-watch list starting tonight:
- New and stellar casts: Season 2 introduces a mix of fresh faces and talented local stars, bringing new energy to the series which literally captivate the audience heart.
- A lot of twists and surprises await: Prepare yourself for unexpected turns and gripping storylines that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Well especially in Raja and Priya’s love story…
- Comedic tales that will leave you laughing: The series blends humour with drama, ensuring that you'll find plenty of moments to smile and laugh along with the characters.
- Relatable scenarios reflecting daily life: The struggles and triumphs of the characters mirror real-life situations, making the series all the more engaging and relatable to our current daily lifestyle. That's what make the writer to even watch this series from Season 1.
- A Milestone in local Tamil television: As the first local Tamil series to reach 100 episodes, Pasanga 2 is a significant achievement in the Tamil entertainment industry, offering high-quality storytelling and production.
Sponsored by Patti Mooligai Niruvanam, the series involves a stellar cast cast, including Denes Kumar (as Raja), Moon Nila (as Priya), Thasha Krishnakumar (as Ranjani), Alvin Martin Santhiavoo (as Jaga), Sasikumar (as Anand), Nithyashree (as Geetha), Susila Devi (as Sarasu), Devakanni (as Vithya), Kabil Ganesan (as Vikram), and Keshap Suria (as Karthi). Phew there's no doubt that they're about to amazed you!
Don't miss the premiere tonight at 9 PM on Vinmeen and catch subsequent episodes every Monday to Thursday. The show will also be available for catch-up viewing on Astro Go and On Demand.