If you didn’t manage to score any As and only got Bs and Cs in your SPM results, remember that your effort is what truly matters. As long as you tried your best and didn't give up, you’ve already achieved something significant.

Just because you didn’t pass with flying colors doesn’t mean you should give up. There’s a long journey ahead. Malaysian filmmaker and actor Nam Ron, in a recent Facebook post, assured those who didn’t score well in SPM that it’s not the end of the world.

Nam Ron, who turns 54 this year, shared his own experience with SPM. “My SPM was bad; I didn’t even have an A. Don’t give up just because you did bad in SPM,” he said. He emphasized that social norms should not dictate the flow of our lives. After finishing his SPM, Nam Ron didn’t further his studies right away. He only graduated with a Diploma a few years back, considering himself lucky to have had the opportunity to pursue tertiary education due to a last-minute availability. “I was awarded Excellent Graduate at the end of my study,” he added.

Nam Ron advises youths to identify their skills and improve them. The first phase of your journey is just the beginning. Even if you didn’t excel in SPM, it's important to keep moving forward with the intention to improve yourself.

Success can come at different times for different people. For Nam Ron, success came after years in the entertainment industry. His thriller "One Two Jaga," which revolves around corruption among police officers, won the Best Film Award at the 30th Malaysian Film Festival in 2019.

In summary, not excelling in SPM does not mark the end of your potential. Identify your passions, hone your skills, and remember that success can come at any stage in life.

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Source / Image Credit: Worldofbuzz, Nam Ron