Renowned filmmaker Lokesh Kanagaraj's forthcoming project, "Coolie," featuring the iconic Rajinikanth, has encountered legal complications. Reports indicate that esteemed music composer Ilaiyaraaja has issued a notice to Sun TV, alleging the unauthorized use of his music in the teaser of "Coolie." Specifically, he has raised copyright concerns regarding the recreated rendition of his track "Vaa Vaa Pakkam Vaa" from the film "Thanga Magan," directed by Bharathiraja.
In response to this issue, Rajinikanth, during a recent interview at Chennai International Airport, diplomatically conveyed that the matter should be resolved between the producer and the esteemed music composer. He urged for an amicable resolution to the dispute. However, the "Coolie" team now finds itself entangled in legal proceedings, with Ilaiyaraaja serving a copyright notice to the production house for the unauthorized utilization of his music.
Ilaiyaraaja maintains that proper authorization must be obtained, or the song in question should be removed from the promotional materials. He has cautioned that failure to adhere to these demands could lead to legal repercussions.
Despite this setback, "Coolie" is scheduled to commence filming in June, featuring music by Anirudh Ravichander. Details regarding the cast and crew are yet to be disclosed. Notably, the film stands as an independent project and is not affiliated with the Lokesh Cinematic Universe, with a projected release set for 2025.
Source : Republic World
Image Credit: Forbes India, Wikipedia
Thu May 09 2024