With an impeccable rating of 4.9 stars, Roti canai has firmly established its culinary prowess, positioning it alongside the second-ranked bread, Colombia's pan de bono. This distinction underscores not only the delectable flavour and versatility of Roti canai but also its well-deserved status as a culinary gem that transcends borders and captivates taste buds worldwide.
Best breads in the world, current ranking. View more at https://t.co/BH40jAfhoS @TourismMalaysia @colombia_travel @incredibleindia @FocacciaDiRecco pic.twitter.com/80N9oTFHMY
— TasteAtlas (@TasteAtlas) September 9, 2023
While celebrating the global recognition accorded to Malaysia's cherished national treasure, Roti canai, it's noteworthy that TasteAtlas has prominently positioned Malaysia's national flag alongside its ranking. This symbolic gesture acknowledges the profound cultural and culinary significance of Roti canai, which, while originating in Malaysia, has also made its mark in neighbouring countries such as Brunei, Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore.
This accolade marks yet another milestone in Roti canai's illustrious journey, as it has consistently captured the world's culinary imagination. In February, TasteAtlas honoured Roti canai as the second-best street food globally, a testament to its widespread popularity. Furthermore, in September of the preceding year, TasteAtlas crowned this delectable bread as the premier choice among 50 other street foods in its prestigious 'World's 50 Best Street Foods' ranking.
Source / Image Credit : Today online , Rasa Malaysia, TasteAtlas