In a recent episode of “Cooku With Comali 5,” the competition intensified, testing contestants’ cooking abilities and emotional strength. Actress Shaalin Zoya, known for her Tamil cinema career, faced a touching moment when Chef Damu asked about her feelings, leading her to tear up. Zoya candidly shared her struggles with cooking, expressing her desire to improve.

Chef Damu, known for his supportive nature, praised Zoya’s dishes, aiming to boost her morale. Zoya’s journey on the show reflects her determination, adding to her already impressive resume in films like “Raja Manthiri” and “Kannagi,” earning her more admiration.

With each alternate week bringing eliminations, the remaining contestants – Sujitha Dhanush, Dhivya Duraisamy, Priyanka Deshpande, Pooja Venkat, Vtv Ganesh, Vasanth Vasi, Irfan, and Akshay Kamal – intensify their efforts for the top spot.

“Cooku With Comali 5” not only offers comedy but also showcases culinary skills, with participants’ recipes gaining popularity on social media. As the competition unfolds, viewers anticipate more emotional and culinary moments, making it a must-watch show this season.

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Source : Times of India
Image Credit : YouTube