The cult classic Anniyan, directed by Shankar, introduced Vikram to audiences across the country. In April 2021, a Hindi remake of Anniyan was announced, with Ranveer Singh in the lead role, Shankar returning as the director, and Jayantilal Gada as the producer. However, by August 2021, the producer of the original movie, Aascar Ravichandran, took legal action against Shankar and Gada, claiming they did not have his permission to remake the film.
In July 2024, Shankar confirmed that the remake had been put on hold. Chiyaan Vikram, the star of the original film, recently shared his thoughts on the remake while promoting his new release, Thangalaan, in an interview with DNA India.
When asked about the potential remake, Vikram humorously replied, "I think you should ask Shankar. He should have made part two with me." He added with a laugh, "That's being very ambitious. But on a serious note, I thought Ranveer would have made a nice Anniyan. I would like to see his version because I really like him as a star. I think it would have been interesting to see what he would do with the story."
Source / Image Credit : TimesNow
Mon Sep 09 2024