Recent speculations suggest that director Lokesh Kanagaraj has signed Shruti Haasan and Sathyaraj for pivotal roles in his upcoming film, Thalaivar 171. While an official confirmation is awaited, if these rumours hold true, it will mark the second collaboration between Lokesh and Shruti, following their appearance together in the music video "Inimel."
The music video "Inimel" was an independent project conceptualized and performed by Shruti Haasan, with lyrics penned by Kamal Haasan, produced under Raaj Kamal Films Internationals.
For Sathyaraj, this film would represent his debut collaboration with Lokesh Kanagaraj, promising an iconic reunion with Rajinikanth on the silver screen.
Rajinikanth and Sathyaraj have a storied history of working together in Tamil cinema, notably in films like "Mr. Bharath." The duo's dynamic chemistry, exemplified by the memorable song "Ennamma Kannu," has left an indelible mark on fans.
Additionally, there are rumors that Lokesh is eyeing prominent Bollywood names, with speculations suggesting an approach to superstar Shah Rukh Khan for a cameo role. However, these details remain unconfirmed, fueling anticipation for the film.
The potential casting choices and rumoured collaborations add to the excitement surrounding Thalaivar 171, promising a blend of nostalgia and new experiences for audiences.
Image Credit / Source : OTT Play
Mon Apr 15 2024