SPM [space] MyKad number [space] index number and Send to: 15888
Accessing Detailed Results
For detailed results, candidates have the following options:
- Online Portal: Visit myresultspm.moe.gov.my
- Physical Locations: Go to nearby schools, District Education Offices (PPD), or State Education Departments (JPN).
Obtaining Result Slips
- School Candidates: Collect results directly from their respective schools.
- Private Candidates: Collect results from the PPD or JPN where they registered for the exam.
- Availability: The results slip can be downloaded via the online portal until June 2.

Re-Evaluation Process
Candidates wishing to submit their results for re-evaluation by the Malaysian Examinations Board (MEB) have from May 27 to June 26 to do so. The application can be made via:
- Online Portal: https://elp.moe.gov.my
- e-Lembaga Peperiksaan application
Fee for Re-Evaluation
- Each subject appealed for re-evaluation incurs a fee of RM100.
Post Re-Evaluation
School candidates should contact the examination secretary (SUP) for a new slip if there are any changes in the results.
Private candidates should contact the Education Service Commission (SPP) or JPN for the new slip.
If results remain unchanged, the original slip remains valid. In the case of "case T" (indicating partial or entire absence for a subject), candidates will receive a refund if there are changes in the results after re-evaluation.
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Source / Image Credit : Malaysia Now , Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia