Sugumaran, joined forces with YB Tiktok, represented by @zuhanhamzah, resulting in the duo's hard-earned sum of RM6200. This financial milestone enabled Sugumaran to fulfill a heartfelt gesture – the purchase of a second-hand Proton Wira for his mother, who had been relying on a motorbike as her primary mode of transportation while working as a cleaner.

A post shared by Zuhan Hamzah (@zuhanhamzah)

The collaborative effort between Sugumaran and @zuhanhamzah extends beyond language barriers, as showcased in their TikTok content where YB Tiktok communicates in Malay while Sugumaran speaks in Tamil. This dynamic duo's ability to transcend linguistic differences resonates with audiences, consistently evoking a sense of warmth and unity.

Source / Image Credit : Zuhan & Malaysian Indian Star, FMT