Recent remarks made by an actress Priyanka Arul Mohan have sparked significant attention, particularly her comments regarding the potential sequel to the movie Kushi. During an event for her latest film ‘Saripodhaa Sanivaaram’, Priyanka asked when SJ Suryah would return to directing and suggested that if he were to make Kushi 2, it should only be with Pawan Kalyan.
Her statement quickly went viral, resonating strongly with Telugu audiences but not sitting well with Tamil viewers. Fans of Thalapathy Vijay have been trolling Priyanka on social media, arguing that the Tamil version of Kushi is superior to the Telugu version.
Before transitioning to a full-time acting career, SJ Suryah helmed the successful film Kushi in both Telugu and Tamil. The Telugu version, starring Pawan Kalyan, was released in 2001, while the Tamil version, featuring Thalapathy Vijay, premiered in 2000. Both versions were massive hits.
On the other hand, in a recent interview, Suryah revealed that he had pitched the idea for Kushi 2 to Pawan Kalyan in the early 2000s. At the time, Pawan Kalyan, now the Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, initially expressed interest in the project. However, he later decided against it, citing a shift in his creative focus.
“Since it was a love story that felt like a continuation of Kushi, I pitched it to Pawan Kalyan. This was after I had directed both Kushi and Nani in Telugu,” Suryah shared during promotional events for his latest film, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, where he plays a key role alongside Nani. “Initially, he liked the idea and agreed to consider it after completing his current projects. But later, he mentioned that his energies had shifted, and he was no longer comfortable doing love stories.”
Suryah admitted that he was disappointed by Pawan Kalyan's decision to reject the project. “I disagreed with his opinion. He may have felt that way, but if he had done it, it would have been another blockbuster. But that’s fine,” he added. Despite this setback, Suryah eventually directed Pawan Kalyan again in the 2010 action entertainer Puli.
Source / Image Credit : Flickr, TeluguOne
Mon Sep 02 2024