Thalapathy Vijay, an eminent figure in the Tamil film industry, recently revealed his political aspirations by announcing the formation of his own political party, Tamilaka Vetri Kazhagam. Alongside this revelation came the announcement that he intends to contest in the 2026 Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly elections and eventually retire from acting once his existing film commitments, including Venkat Prabhu's 'The Greatest of All Time,' are fulfilled.
The focus now shifts to his 69th project, tentatively titled 'Thalapathy69.' Despite limited details about the film, speculation is rife regarding who will helm this anticipated project. Notable names surfacing in discussions include Karthik Subbaraj, H Vinoth, and Atlee – three accomplished directors recognized for delivering impactful films such as 'Jigarthanda,' 'Nerkonda Parvai,' and 'Mersal,' respectively.
As fans eagerly await official confirmation, the question of Thalapathy69's director remains a topic of intense interest and conjecture in the Tamil film industry.
Source / Image Credit : PinkVilla , IndiaGlitz
Mon Feb 05 2024
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