A handbag is a must-have accessory for every woman as it's fashionable and functional at the same time. Besides keeping them trendy, a handbag also helps women to carry daily must-have items including keys, cash, cards, water bottle, as well as their make-up kit. However, these are the three life-saving items every woman should include in their must-have items that would come in handy during emergencies:

1. Personal Alarm

A mini-size portable alarm that could be carried on a handbag comes in handy when traveling alone or when visiting unfamiliar locations. It gives a sense of safety, and can actually alert others during emergencies.

2. Portable Charger

Handphone has become a very important tool that can one can't live without. Besides keeping us connected with the rest of the world, it also helps greatly during emergencies. But having a low-battery or no-battery, especially during emergencies, can be stressful. That's when a portable charger or a power bank will be helpful.

3. Travel-Size First Aid Kit

The regular-sized first aid kits are usually stored in vehicles or homes as they won't fit into the carry-on handbag that women use. However, there are travel-sized first aid kits that are compact and can fit easily into a handbag without taking up much space. This first aid kit is equipped with vital items that could be used during unexpected emergency situations.

Source: Reader's Digest & Vaya
Image Credit: Womens Weely, Lifesystems, New York Magazine & iMax Alarm