Sun TV's latest culinary venture, "Top Cooku Dupe Cooku," invites aspiring chefs to embark on an exhilarating journey, endeavouring to recreate the distinctive dishes of renowned culinary maestros. From social media influencers to seasoned actors harbouring a hidden talent, the vibrant ensemble promises a captivating viewing experience.
The inaugural episode promises an enticing challenge, featuring none other than the esteemed Chef Venkatesh Bhatt. Meet the line-up of contestants poised to showcase their culinary prowess:
1. Chaitra Reddy
2. Fefsi Vijayan
3. Sonia Agarwal
4. Sai Dheena
5. Narendra Prasath
6. Aishwarya Dutta
7. Shali Nivekas
8. Sujatha
9. Singam Puli
Tune in to Sun TV starting May 19, 2024, to catch all the exciting yet funny moments of this show.
Source / Image Credit : Filmibeat
Thu May 16 2024