Did you know that the evil eye is not only a superstitious belief but is supported scientifically via the thoughts of waves?
How it works is that, when a person directs his or hers negative/evil thought waves onto another person, the victim’s forthcoming life events are delayed or denied. These forthcoming can be in the form of misfortune, diseases or serious injuries.
Worry not, as there are many remedies followed by cultures around the world to remove this negativity. Read the following to find out how Indians removes the evil eye, known to many as the ‘’buri nazar’’ or the ‘’drishti’’.
Keep an aquarium

One of the most well-known methods in removing evil eye is to keep an aquarium at the south side of your living room.
Carry neem leaves

Pregnant women can easily get affected by the evil eye. Therefore, to stay away from this, carry along a sprig or 2-3 neem tree leaves when you are leaving home. Upon returning home, burn the neem leaves, thus the negative thought that was casted on you will be destroyed.
Lemon in a glass full of water

Place a lemon in a glass full of water. The glass has to be transparent and kept in a place which is visible to everyone that visits your home or your business. Change the water every day and on every Saturday, replace the lemon with a new one. This will remove the evil eye aimed by your business competitors or neighbours.
Green chillies and lemon

Prepare 7 green chillies with one lemon and tie it together through a strong thread. Hang it at your desired place be it at front of your home or even in your car. After using this, people will usually throw it on the open roads. Be careful in stepping this combo, as whoever steps it is supposed to ‘’inherit’’ the misfortunes.
Do you know other methods in removing evil eyes? Share it will us in the comment box below!
Picture Credit: Karmagyan, Huffington Post, Sadhguru, Pinterest, Tumblr & Psychic Readings