Astro customers can enjoy the thrilling local Tamil werewolf series Pooranachandhiran Kudumbathar. Directed and produced by renowned local filmmaker, Azizan, this Vinmeen Exclusive series will premiere on 28 August, 9pm on Astro Vinmeen (Ch 202) via TV, Astro GO and On Demand.

Pooranachandhiran Kudumbathar stars popular as well as upcoming local talents such as Loga Varma, Dhilip Kumar, Kuben, Punitah, Karnan and more. This 20-episode series is about the last version of alpha werewolves, Jacob and his wife, Awan, who transform Peter into an ‘Omega’ werewolf to ensure their legacy continues. Peter who married Alexandra imposes a strict curfew at night for their kids, George and Angeline to ensure they’re free from knowing their parents' real identities – whether Peter and his wife manage to hide the secret or if the truth is revealed forms the gist of the story.

Enjoy new episodes of Pooranachandhiran Kudumbathar, Mondays to Thursdays at 9pm on TV and Astro GO or stream anytime On Demand.

For more information, visit