Vikadakavi, also known as Anant, who brilliantly portrayed his character in Pasanga Season 1, will not be returning for the highly anticipated Season 2, set to air on Astro Vinmeen.

Commenting on his departure, Anant stated, “Due to other work commitments, I won’t be acting in Season 2. However, I am pleased to announce that Sasi will be stepping into my role.”

Pasanga is a heartwarming Tamil drama that explores the lives of three individuals—Raja, Jaga, and Anand—as they navigate the challenges of life in Kuala Lumpur while striving to achieve their dreams. Despite their diverse backgrounds and struggles, Raja, Jaga, and Anand persevere, learning valuable lessons along the way.

Pasanga 2 is set to premiere on August 12. New episodes will air every Monday to Thursday at 9 PM on Vinmeen, with catch-up viewing available via Astro Go and on demand.