There are some people who make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger, and live just a little bit better.

This quote resonates perfectly with Raaga Announcer Vikeswari, better known as Viki. Her charismatic laughter ensures that listeners never have a dull moment. Viki currently hosts the "Vanakkam Raaga" segment on weekdays from 10 am to 1 pm. Hailing from Johor Bahru, she pursued her studies in Banking and Finance at Kaplan Singapore before making a significant career transformation from HR to TV host and Raaga Announcer.

Viki, who never initially dreamed of becoming an RJ, always enjoyed connecting with people and making them laugh. It’s her favorite thing to do. When she came across the audition advertisement for Ultimate Star Search 2022, she decided to give it a shot, encouraged by her family's wish for her to pursue a career in entertainment.

"If listening to my segment makes even one listener’s day better, that is success for me," she says.

A plethora of moments would have come and gone but for Viki:

"One of my cherished moments as a RAAGA announcer was when a listener traveled all the way to Astro just to meet me. She arrived with a rose and a plant seedling, expressing how much my segment made her life better. Unfortunately, due to my work commitments, I was unable to meet her, although she waited for about an hour. Eventually, she left the thoughtful gifts at the guardhouse for me to collect. To top it off, she texts me after every segment to this day."

From looking uo to all the Raaga announcers as role models, her current goal is to brighten my fans’ lives, to create a sense of connection and happiness when they tune in to her segment.

"For aspiring radio announcers, my advice is simple: be unique, be you. Don’t try to pretend to be anyone else. Experiment until you find your style. Being an RJ or TV host doesn’t happen overnight. Presence of mind is crucial, followed closely by effective communication skills. It is essential to know how to handle any situation."

Viki is doing a great job and has a long way to go. Keep up the fantastic work!