Why do Hindus consider cows as sacred?
The answer to this question lie in Kamadhenu, the Mother of All Cows, according to Hinduism.
Here's everything you need to know about Kamadhenu.
She Is Part Woman And Part Animal
Somewhat like Egypt's version of Sphynx, Kamadhenu instead has the head a woman and the body of a cow with wings and the tail of a peacock. She is also known as Surabhi and is known for providing anything a person desires. She is also the mother of the eleven Rudras.
Cows Are Respected
Because there are no temples dedicated to Kamadhenu, Hindus instead honor her by honoring their cattle and cows. This is part of the reason why majority of staunch Hindus do not eat beef as they believe that they're the children of Kamadhenu.
The Ocean of Milk
Believe to reside in Swargalok, Kamadhenu was born from the Ocean of Milk, the Kshira-Sagar, during the great churning of the ocean of milk by the Suras and Asuras. Kamadhenu was then presented to the great seven sages by the Gods themselves. Eventually, she was possessed by Sage Vasishta.
A Symbol of India and Hinduism
According to many art forms, Kamadhenu is often depicted in her full cow form with the images of deities on various parts of her body. For example, Brahma is depicted on the hump, while all of her four legs which represent the four vedas, depict the Himalayas. Her shoulders showcase Agni, the fire God and the wind God Vayu.
Representation of Dharma
It is said that when the world first began, Kamadhenu had stood on all her four legs at the Age of Truth, the Satyayuga. She stood with three feet during the Tretayuga as perfection in the world dwindled. Then two during the Dwaparayuga and now on just one leg during the Kaliyuga. Because of this, Kamadhenu is also synonymous with Dharma (righteousness).
A Mother
Due to her being part cow and part woman, many have also come to see Kamadhenu as the perfect image of a mother. Since cows assist in farming with their dungs used to build houses, Hindus see the cows and their mother, Kamadhenu, as sacred.
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Article Source: Hare Krishna Temple Portal, Animal Wised
Photo Source: India Divine, Hare Krishna Temple Portal