A hair salon in New Delhi, India, has been ordered to pay a whopping Rs2 crores (RM1.14 million) in damages to a model after she was given the "wrong haircut" - reportedly causing her loss of job, and "pain and trauma."
The National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC), in passing the order, noted that the woman lost her assignments as a model for hair products due to the episode, and the incident subsequently shattered her dream to become a top model, reported India Today.
After she complained to the salon, the management reportedly offered to remedy the situation by giving her free hair treatment.
However, it reportedly turned out for the worse as the treatment left her with damaged hair and a burnt scalp.
Following these episodes, the woman, now 42, lost her job as a senior management professional due to the "severe mental breakdown" and "trauma" she was subjected to.
The complainant had alleged that she had gone to the salon at a five-star hotel in Delhi in 2018, and gave specific instructions to get "long flicks/layers covering her face in the front".
Instead, the worker erroneously chopped off her entire mane, leaving just four inches from the top touching her shoulders.
Source: India Today
Photo source: Getty Images via India Today
Mon Sep 27 2021
Pasanga 2 I Episode 81 [Preview]
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