Government Makes Vaccination Mandatory For All Civil Servants
The Public Services Department (PSD) has made it mandatory for all civil servants to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, failing which, they can face disciplinary action.
Thu Sep 30 2021
The Public Services Department (PSD) has made it mandatory for all civil servants to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
The department said almost 98 per cent of civil servants have already been vaccinated, while 1.6 per cent have yet to register to get vaccinated.
"All federal public services officers are required to immediately complete their vaccination before Nov 1," the department said in a statement today.
Those who fail to do so without valid reasons could face disciplinary action, the statement, which was shared by Health Ministry Khairy Jamaluddin on Twitter, added.
According to PSD, officers who cannot be vaccinated due to health reasons must submit their health information verified by a government medical officers to their respective heads of department, to justify their decision.
Those who have already registered but yet to get vaccinated can walk-in into any government vaccination centres (PPV).
As of yesterday, some 85.7 per cent of the country's adult population have been fully vaccinated.
COVID-19 vaccinations are now mandatory for all federal government employees. Exceptions will only be given on health grounds.