And having said that, SJK (T) Kajang is the talk of the town again as G.Sanjhivvan emerged as the champion of the Oscar Award 2022 under the Bee 5 category, and S.Manushri emerged as the 3rd place winner of Oscar Award 2022 under the Bee 4 category for the Oscar Bee Award 2022.

Since the official announcement made on the Facebook page of SJK (T) Kajang, netizens from around the world turned their eyes to both Lil geniuses in November 2022 at Gdańsk, Poland. Indeed, a historical moment and Astro Ulagam has reached out to the respective school teacher to have more insights about their recent accolades.
Mrs. Bijealatchemy, the school teacher of SJK (T) Kajang has revealed that the organizer has arranged the Oscar Bee award 2022 competition ONLY for those who attended the final round physically in Poland on 5th November 2022.
The journey to Poland covers TWO different types of competitions:
Eurasian Spelling Bee 2022
Eurasian Spelling Bee Lexical Skills Competition was established by ELPC International (English Language Proficiency Competition Ltd.).
Oscar Bee Award 2022
Meanwhile, Oscar Bee Award 2022 is a competition where contestants will be required to spell a broad selection of words, usually with varying degrees of difficulty. To compete, the contestants must know the spellings of words as written in dictionaries and recite them accordingly.
"Since two of the SJK(T) Kajang school students (G.Sanjhivvan & S.Manushri) have attended the competition physically in Poland, both of them got a chance to participate in Oscar Bee Award 2022 under Bee 4 & Bee 5 categories."

When asked about the total participation, the worldwide competition saw a total number of 6,662 participants from 14 countries selected to participate. In Malaysia, the semi-finals competition was way more challenging as follows:
Bee 5 - 37 students qualified out of 210 students
Bee 4 - 11 students qualified out of 100 students
And out of the blue, both students qualified and competed in the final round in Poland under the Bee 4 & Bee 5 categories. With this feather in their cap, the teacher has also revealed the amount of time and effort that both pupils and teachers have showered to achieve their far-fetched dream was incredibly spell-bounding. The entire team deserves a standing ovation!
Notably, they received the prestigious honour and made our nation proud by securing a place on the world map. Thank you isn’t enough for us to express our gratitude for your achievements. Congratulations on leaving us with beaming pride. You have a long way to go, and best wishes for your future endeavors.
Image Credit: Mrs. Bijealatchemy & SJK(T) Kajng Facebook