The internet is in love with an elderly man, who despite his advanced age and physical condition, is peddling Indian snacks off the back of his car, in Ampang, Selangor.
The "Murukku Uncle's" plight was highlighted by the KL Foodie Facebook page yesterday, and the video has since gone viral with more than 7,200 likes and close to 7,000 shares.
According to the man, he had been selling putu mayam on a motorcycle, in the area, since 1974, but stopped making the crowd favourite dish as he got older and ran out of help to do it.
He then switched to buying Indian snacks such as 'Omapodi', muruku, pakoda, and nuts in bulk, then repackaging them himself to save on packing costs. He then sells the snacks for only RM2 a packet.
"If I sit at home doing nothing, how am I supposed to eat?
"I need to make a living. Selling for RM20 to RM30 a day would suffice," he told the video.
Some days, business is good, while there are days that he hardly sells three packets, despite sitting under the hot sun from morning to evening, he said.
According to the senior citizen, he also has to contend with a "twice broken" leg, with a metal rod inside.
Netizens were quick to comment on ways to help the uncle, including getting him a new walking stick, and a signboard to advertise his business. There were also those who reminisced buying putu mayam sold by the uncle back in the days, and said they will pay him a visit to buy all his stock.
Kudos for being so independent at your age and despite your condition.
Those who would like to try out his snacks or assist him in other ways may find in front of the Naan Corner, Jalan Kerja Air Lama 1, Ukay Heights, Ampang, Selangor, daily, from morning till night.
Source: KL Foodie
Photo & Video source: KL Foodie
Wed Sep 15 2021