A 29-year-old Pakistani bachelor from the United Kingdom has gone the extra mile to seek a prospective bride.

Muhammad Malik has put up billboards that read "Save me from an arranged marriage" at several locations in Birmingham and London, and even set up a website for the same purpose, reported BBC.

According to the report, Malik has received hundreds of messages from women expressing interest since the advertisement was put up last Saturday, but he hasn't got the time to vet through them yet.

Malik resorted to the billboard method after unfruitfully trying to find a suitor via the "Pakistani aunties" matchmaking method, as well as using dating apps and attending dating events.

Such methods have only left him feeling "quite awkward", he said.

Then a friend suggested he advertise himself, and thus, began the setting of the billboards, which are set to stay up until January 14.

Malik said that he has his family's backing in the venture, but he just had to convince his mother "a bit", beforehand.

The prospective groom is looking for a devouted Muslim woman in her 20s, who's willing to put up with his "loud Punjabi family."

An out of the box approach indeed. Perhaps some of the "90s kids" who are complaining about not finding a suitor can try out this method as a last resort.

Source: BBC
Photo source: Daily Mail, BBC