Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the comic duo Senthil and Goundamani never failed to entertain the audiences. However, following 2003, Senthil's film offers dropped, and the actor has since only appeared in one to two movies every few years.
However, it has just come to light that Senthil's son Mani Prabhu is making his acting debut with his father in Bobby-Simha's action thriller "Thadai Udai," directed by a newcomer NS Rakesh.
The filming kickstarted in May 2022. Senthil and his son will be portraying a father-son role on-screen. The film also features Misha Narang, Prabhu, Rohini, Sarath Ravi, and Deepak Paramesh.
Check out their pictures from the film set here:
Source: Indiaglitz
Photo Credit: Cinema Express
Sat Jun 25 2022
Pasanga 2 I Episode 18 [Preview]
Learn more about the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO).
Saree Draping | Moon Nila | Isha Norham
Celebrating Merdeka through unity in diversity! Watch as Moon Nila guides Isha Norham and Celes in the art of saree tying, embracing the beauty of Indian culture across races. Can they pull it off? Stay tuned for the magic! A big shoutout to both for being such great sports in learning something new!
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